Digital Transformation Project Management
Digital transformation projects include work packages in many different areas from expectation analysis to strategy determination, maturity level measurement, roadmap determination, application area determination, benefit / cost analysis, reducing resistance, increasing innovation capabilities and participation.
As a result of these work packages, the success of the project is possible with the use of the correct methodology and tools, continuous monitoring, control and sustainability from the beginning.
IT-Matchmaker.suite solution, created by the joint work of Trovarit AG and FIR Institute located in Aachen RWTH University, Germany, with which we have been a business partner for many years as EDT Center, provides speed, flexibility and perfect control in the management of digital transformation projects with the project management methodology IMPLAIX.
IT-Matchmaker.suite Features
User Administration
Adding and administration of users
Allocation of roles and rights
Activation and notification of users
Locking and unlocking of users
Project Calendar
Acquisition and management of project meetings
Invitation of users incl. of mail notification
ICS-Datei and QR-Codes for import into personal calendar (Outlook etc.)
Status overview of acceptances per meeting
Calendar overview with meeting status
Task Management
Acquisition and management of tasks related to structural objects
E-mail notification for task tracking
Task overview with sorting and filtering options and detailed view
Task journal/history
Evaluation functionality
Requirement Specification Template
Up to 5,000 functional features depending on the application context
Features are defined at the level of individual concrete software functionalities
Structural depth suitable for service specification within the framework of a contract for work and services
Requirement Definition
Adaptation of the specifications structure
Inserting new requirements
Definition and prioritisation of requirements
Filing of company-specific notes
Marking of the processing status
Market Research
Creation of individual search profile
Functional research by comparing the search and performance profile
Research by means of suitable reference or customer projects of the suppliers
Review of supplier and product profiles
Comparison of search and performance profile on the level of function modules
Identification or determination of favourites for enquiry/tender
Specifications Template
Provision of the specifications commented on in the tender (draft specifications) for two bidders
Historicalisation of the provider's answers and possibility of re-evaluation
Assignment of requirements to project phases/sprints
Catalogue of services
Template with about 200 work packages of an implementation project
Inserting new work packagesConcretisation/commenting of work packages
Definition of responsibility per work package
Performance Specification
Identification of the aspects to be clarified
Adaptation of the specifications structure
Inserting new requirements
Specification of the services to be provided
Deposit of technical concepts
Change tracking of the processing status per requirement
Document Management
Capture and management of documents on structural objects
Storage of meta data for documents
Copy documents to the cloud
Linking to documents managed in other cloud solutions (e.g. SharePoint)
Version management of documents
Process Catalogue
Provision of a reference process catalogue (production, trade or service)
Import of a company specific process catalogue
Process Explorer
Structuring of process catalogues
Management of different element types (business process, process, sub-processes)
Storage of metadata (e.g. process owner, software applications used)
Inserting new processes
Editing processes
Copying and archiving of processes
Excel export
Process Assessment
Evaluation of processes for different criteria (process priority, process maturity, software support etc.)
Restriction of the evaluation option to selected processes via rights/roles concept
Controlling of the evaluation campaign
Online evaluation
Excel export
Potential Analysis
Recording and management of improvement potentials with reference to processes, IT systems and master data
Recording of several tasks per improvement potential
Evaluation of potentials (urgency, value contribution/benefit, effort etc.)
Potential overview with sorting and filtering options and detailed view
Potential journal/history
Deposit of measures for improvement potential
Excel export
Master Data Assessment
Provision of a reference master data catalogue
Evaluation of master data for different criteria (master quality, relevance, leading software application, etc.)
Restriction of the evaluation option to selected master data objects via rights/role concept
Controlling of the evaluation campaign
Excel export
Project initialisation
Checklist of aspects to be clarified for project initialisation
Possibility of evaluating the individual aspects (relevance and degree of realisation)
Recording and management of measures
Project Planning
Presentation of a work breakdown structure plan with approx. 220 activities
Adaptation of the structural project plan
Management of different element types (project phase, project task, project activity etc.)
Administration of metadata (e.g. start/end date, responsible, effort, etc.)
Marking of milestone objects
Marking of feedback positions
Excel export including template for Gantt display
Sprint Planning and Review
Recording and management of sprints
Assignment of work packages to sprints
Comments on the achievement of objectives per work package and sprint
History of the processing progress
Progress monitoring per work package or sprint
Request for Information -RFI
Preparation of an individual project profile to describe the tasks and objectives of the project
Acquisition of required software functionalities
Deposit of up to 10 documents relating to the request/tender documents
Provision of the request documents in the IT-Matchmaker® for up to 25 suppliers/participants
Notification of tender participants by e-mailControlling/monitoring of the participation in the tender
Communication/contact via the IT-Matchmaker®
Comparison of the incoming answers (general information on provider and software, costs, functionality and references)
Request for Quotation - RFQ
Preparation of an individual project profile to describe the tasks and objectives of the project
Specifications as an integral part of the tender
Provision of the request documents in the IT-Matchmaker® for up to 15 suppliers/participants
Notification of tender participants by e-mailControlling/monitoring of the participation in the tender
Communication/contact via the IT-Matchmaker®
Evaluation functionality to compare the commented specifications
Comparison of offers (general information on provider and software, costs, functionality and references)
Provider Assessment
Creation of a script/evaluation structure
Adaptation of the evaluation structureSelection/definition of an evaluation scheme (grades vs. points system)
Creation, activation and administration of evaluators
Online evaluation
Excel export
Project Cockpit
Management of service items
Recording of target and planned budget per service item
Assignment of performance records to items (actual budget)
Cockpit for budget and progress controlling
Project Logbook
Creation of status reports including current key figures regarding budget, progress, number and status of stored tasks
Definition of criteria (e.g. budget, progress, risk) for assessing the project status (traffic light function)
Comments on the project status
History of all generated status reports
Requirements Monitor
Collection and management of requirements
Maintenance of requirement status (conception and realisation)
Recording and management of deviations
Monitoring of the processing progress
CR Management
Creation and management of change requests (change requests)
Progress control of change requests via status
Budget monitoring (actual vs. target expenditure)
Concept approval
Evaluation of the concept based on the specifications
Recording and management of deviations/defects
Monitoring the degree of fulfillment
Test Management
Recording and administration of test scenarios and test cases
Definition of different test levels (integration test 1 to n)
Configuration of the test scope based on a test case library
Test case specific error detection and monitoring
Test and error reporting
Trainings Monitor
Registration and management of training participants
Definition of training programme and learning units
Deposit of training profiles per training participant
Registration and management of training dates
Assignment of training participants to training dates
Monitoring of training participation
Registration and management of training units
Education and training controlling
Go-Live Monitor
Template for go-live timetable
Status management of the activities
Deposit of tasks/responsibilities
Monitoring of the processing progress
Acceptance monitor
Modelling of the acceptance structure (e.g. based on a requirements specification or detailed concept)
Configuration of defect classification (e.g. according to project contract)
Evaluation of the degree of realisation by users in productive operation
Recording and classification of defects
Monitoring the processing of defects
Acceptance report (evaluated service contents and recorded defects)
Project Review
Questionnaire for project review
Management of review participants
Up to five survey campaigns
Toolbox for survey evaluation
Risk Monitor
Template for project risks
Identification and assessment of project risks
Risk graph
History of the course of risk
Recording and evaluation of measures
Stakeholder Analysis
Entry of stakeholders
Evaluation of stakeholders (influence and interest)
Toolbox for evaluation
Recording and management of measures